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Skip-the-line ticket for Asisi Panorama of Ancient World with Pergamon Altar
Nähtävyydet ja opastetut retket
Museot ja taidegalleriat

Skip-the-line ticket for Asisi Panorama of Ancient World with Pergamon Altar

Sijainti: Berliini
Voimassaoloaika: Joustava
Mobiililippu hyväksytään


  • Enter the ancient world of Greece in 1:1 scale, literally traveling back in time
  • Experience a unique, 360-degree panoramic painting of the German-Iranian artist Yadegar Asisi
  • Marvel at the virtual restoration of the Pergamon Altar in its real size and the original location
  • Discover multifaceted daily live scenes that animated once the ancient metropolis
  • Visit selected highlights from the collection of antiquities of the Pergamon Museum, that give further stunning insights

Retken kuvaus

Since its opening in 2018, the 360-degree panoramic painting of the original location, in which the ancient Pergamon Altar was rising centuries ago, has become a must-see in Berlin.

Realized by the German-Iranian artist Yadegar Asisi, whose name almost stays as a synonym of the unique Panometer artwork, this panoramic painting makes you experience in 1:1 scale the ancient Greek world and the daily life that animated once the metropolis of Pergamon. With all the impressive details it contains, you will literally travel back in time and immerse yourselves in the bustling life of the city.

In addition, an exhibition of highlights from the collections of antiquities of the Pergamon Museum completes the experience and gives you many other precious insights.

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Tärkeä tietää

  • During booking, you will have to choose an entrance time. Please make sure to be on time otherwise you may lose your reservation
  • Reduced tickets can be acquired by students and disabled
  • Please note that free tickets need to be booked and added to the cart during booking to be granted access
  • The official name of the temporary exhibition building is “Pergamonmuseum. Das Panorama”. With this ticket, you will not visit the Pergamon Museum
  • Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00am to 6.00pm
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Retken hintaan sisältyy

Entrance to the Asisi PANORAMA of ancient world with Pergamon Altar

Retken hintaan ei sisälly

Entrance to Pergamon Museum, or other museums on Museum Island


Huomioi, että tätä retkeä ei voida hyvittää, vaikka se peruttaisiin ajoissa.


Hyviä uutisia! Tähän varaukseen ei kuulu lisämaksuja.


Am Kupfergraben 2, Berlin, Germany

Retken tarjoaja

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

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